On 6/16/22 03:56, Mathias Homann wrote:
Am Donnerstag, 16. Juni 2022, 08:10:26 CEST schrieb David C. Rankin:
After you said you can't reproduce, the bells went off I needed to log
not exactly, "newgrp groupname" changes your*active* group to any group you're a member of - but of course only for the shell session you're uing it in.
I just took the old-school approach and had my group, and gid and used groupadd, e.g. # groupadd -g 1038 somegroup ... (I actually pasted about 11 of those that were relevant to my laptop) Then to add myself to the group I pasted the same 11 with # gpasswd -a david somegroup ... Then just to make sure Yast was happy I opened user-management and all was good -- but I failed to log out/log back in for the changes to be seen. After the log out/in, all is well :) -- David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.