Hi! Trying to kill the keyboard, alfiesty@chaffee.net produced:
I am still learning Linux. I have fvwm95 running fairly well and am trying various programs on the 5.1 disk set. I started TkDesk and then Tkman. When Tkman came up it said that it was updating the database. 26 HOURS later it was still not done! At that time according to the little performance monitor it was using 100
My god, you *have* patience. Killing it was the correct thing to do. The 100% CPU is normal ... nothing else was runnung, so it got 100% CPU and used it. The memory and swap point to a memory leak ...
Now I hear all this talk about how much faster Linux is than W95, but I have NEVER has a process take 26 hours on any W95 machine I have.
Well, I have yet to see a win9x to run stable for 26 hours while a process is actually running. (See? It works both ways.) Anyway I/we do not have to defend Linux, after all: "We all know Linux is great...it does infinite loops in 5 seconds." (Linus Torvalds about the superiority of Linux on the Amterdam Linux Symposium) (If you think closely about this anecdote, you'll probably see the error the program has/had. And your voided attack on Linux.) -Wolfgang -- PGP 2 welcome: Mail me, subject "send PGP-key". If you've nothing at all to hide, you must be boring. Unsolicited Bulk E-Mails: *You* pay for ads you never wanted. Is our economy _that_ weak we have to tolerate SPAMMERS? I guess not. -- To get out of this list, please send email to majordomo@suse.com with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e