On Mon, 25 Jul 2005 06:06:58 -0400 "Charles philip Chan" <cpchan@sympatico.ca> wrote:
On 25 Jul 2005, rkimber@ntlworld.com wrote:
Hmmmnn. I'm not sure I agree with that. If he's come from the Windows environment and had experience with equivalent programs there, he might well expect a quick learning curve, especially where something like drawing a circle is concerned.
The equivalent product in Windows is photoshop and the method of drawing a circle is the same as in the Gimp.
The question was not so much the method as how obvious it was. My experience has been with PSP and it is sufficiently intuitive that I don't remember ever needing to use a manual or consult help, or ask a question in a list. The Gimp is good and I use it a lot, but the occasional need for certain graphics facilities is one of the two reasons why I still keep a copy of Windows on my machine (the other being the need for certain audio and video facilities). - Richard -- Richard Kimber http://www.psr.keele.ac.uk/