29.11.2016 19:15, Carlos E. R. пишет:
Package mkdonkey is not present in 42.2 packman. I have been told this is because "it fails to build with the newer ocaml". Thus I'm building it locally, a process that downloads and builds ocaml in the current directory, previous to building mldonkey itself. I suppose it downloads a definite version of ocaml, so there is no problem with the build.
But there is a a missing feature:
Core features: - zlib (required) enabled - threads enabled - bzip2 enabled - iconv enabled - libmagic enabled - upnp & natpmp disabled <== - graphical stats enabled - png support enabled - jpg support disabled
I found that "libmagic" needs file-devel, and "graphical stats" needs "gd-devel". But I don't know what library is required to enable "upnp & natpmp".
Any ideas?
For UPNP it should build against miniupnp (libminiupnpc-devel), but libnatpmp (from the same project) does not appear to be included in openSUSE. You can install it from OBS or compile from source. You can also step in as maintainer :)