On Mon, 2005-08-15 at 22:23 -0400, elefino wrote:
On Monday 15 August 2005 22:03, Scott Leighton wrote:
On Monday 15 August 2005 6:52 pm, elefino wrote:
Today, my "Change Source of Installation" dialog says:
On SUSE LINUX Version 9.3 dvd:///
Delete the following one:
On dvd://// dvd:///;devices=/dev/hdc
On supplementary KDE 3.4 update ftp://gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/ftp.suse.com/suse/i386/supplementary/KDE/ update_for_9.3/yast-source
On dvd://// cd:///
Delete the one above, bogus
When I attempt to install apcupsd, I get the dialog demanding that I insert DVD1.
In answer to my previous message in this thread, Scott Leighton had
Well, I would get rid of those bogus entries. The only valid one is the very last one, except mine lists the device as dvd:///;devices=/dev/hdc
YaST devises it's own way of connecting to the media which is why you can mount the DVD and not be able to read when trying to add software.
Worst case delete ALL entries and re-create the DVD entry and the KDE entry. If you have lots of room on your hard drive you can copy the contents of the DVD to the HD and use it as a YaST source. -- Ken Schneider UNIX since 1989, linux since 1994, SuSE since 1998