Hi, Im new to this list, I couldnt find archives for the list, and I apologize if my question has already been debated. I have SuSE 7.0, and made no upgrade. I recently wished to install or upgrade some pieces of software, so I found and downloaded the corresponding rpm packages, but I could not install them! rpm issued: only packages with major numbers <= 3 are supported by this version of RPM Indeed I have an rpm version 3.0.4, indeed there is a 4.0.x rpm version out, indeed the packages I wanted to install were built with this new version. Some probes on different sources showed me the problem has been met by others, the recommended solution being to upgrade first to 3.0.5, hence to 4.0.x I feel uneasy at upgrading rpm: its central, its tricky, I have no deep knowlege of its structure, and I fear to harm my installation, or to spend a lot of time. I dont understand why there is not more noise about it. rpm.org website doesnt even mention it. Not a word either on SuSE support database. Has SuSE 7.1 adopted the new rpm? Am I a fool not to adopt the new distrib, if I dont need it? please give feedback! -- Pierre Imbaud <pierre@saiph.com> 12 Rue des Bosquets 91480 Quincy Sous Sénart France Tel: 01 69 00 94 57 Fax 09 47