Hello OpenSuSE list - In trying to solve one problem I encountered yet another problem! (Sigh story of my life!) I have a profile/account on https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/ and when I try to log in I am getting a bizarre error response -
"There is already an account with the login name marc@marcchamberlin.com." Of course there is already an account for me, and I am trying to log in with it! WTF! I cannot find any link that would allow me to report this issue to the maintainers of the bugzilla web site (no feedback link). So I turn to this list hoping some kind guru can help me solve this Catch 22.
One other anomaly I observed, when making a change to my profile I got told - "Login to profile is not available for employees yet." Since I am not an employee I simply ignore it, but this message does keep popping up. Thanks as always, in advance, for any help or ideas offered. Marc.. -- --... ...-- .----. ... -.. . .-- .- --... .--. -..- .-- -- .- .-. -.-. <b>Computers: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the user Marc.<br> His mission: to explore strange new hardware. To seek out new software and new applications.<br> To boldly go where no Marc has gone before!<br></b>