On 6/22/05, Paul Cartwright <paul_tbot@pcartwright.com> wrote:
Take a look at this thread: http://lists.suse.com/archive/suse-linux-e/2005-Mar/index.html#1241
ok, I remember that, I DID change that entry. But that is for hardware devices. My problem NOW is with mplayer. maybe it isn't the same problem though, maybe it is just a bad mpg file.. but I ran it as user and it crashed, same file, root konsole window, it played fine. I edited the /etc/logindevperm file and added lines for 1: along with the 0:, so we shall see what happens.
-- Paul Cartwright Registered Linux user # 367800 X-Request-PGP: http://home.comcast.net/~p.cartwright/wsb/key.asc
Paul, what error messages mplayer produces? It have to output something when it closes. Start it in a normal console window and see the output. Sunny