If the startup script is creating them then udev is out of the picture as long as udev has run before bestcrypt. The permissions/ owner must be set in the bestcrypt startup script. No need to create any udev rule if the startup script is creating the device entries.
Thanks. But see the bcrypt start script: [snip] MAJOR=188 MINOR=0 case "$1" in start) echo "Initializing BestCrypt." rm -rf /dev/bcrypt?* 2>/dev/null for (( x=0 ; x<16 ; x++)) ; do mknod -m 666 /dev/bcrypt$x b $MAJOR $(( MINOR+x )) ; done [snip} According to this the permissions should be 666, not 644 as they are. How can I get then the right permissions? Thanks, IG __________________________________________________________________________ KÖTELEZŐ és mégis kényelmes! Csak november 30-ig, az [origo] Biztosításon! http://origo.hu/biztositas