31 Dec
31 Dec
From: Nick Zentena <zentena@hophead.dyndns.org> Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 14:02:42 -0500 Message-Id: <00123114024200.00735@hophead> Subject: Re: [SLE] Email client On December 30, 2000 02:58 pm, tabanna wrote:
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
From: Shea Martin <snowsquirrel@home.com>
Pronto is great if you are running a PIII/Athlon 1.5GHz, w/ 1024MB of RAM. For those of us with a k6-II 400Mhz, w/ 64MB of RAM may want to avoid pronto. I admit thatfeaturewise, stability, and threading ability pronto is hard to beat.
But Bynari's Tradeclient runs a close second and uses 1/3 the RAM of Pronto.
Doesn't support local mail. It only handles pop etc-( Pronto just seems to hang while the installer is running-( Nick