5 Dec
5 Dec
Message-ID: <3A2D0D55.61ED5990@turk.net> Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 17:44:21 +0200 From: Togan Muftuoglu <toganm@turk.net> Subject: Suse email directory Hi, Is there an email directory for the key departments in Suse ? Rather then sending an email to feedback@suse.com or ask from the Suse people in the list can you get this to XYZ department (not because they are not helpful but I feel like disturbing them for being part of a mailing list in their own will and most probably in their own free time) TIA -- Togan Muftuoglu toganm@turk.net 100% MS FREE Absolutely no component of Microsoft was used in the generation or posting of this e-mail. So it is virus free