On 08/03/2021 16.17, Knurpht-openSUSE wrote:
Op maandag 8 maart 2021 16:14:24 CET schreef Stakanov:
One question, how would a new user know about the existence of packages in packman without the warning that packman packages are not shown in the search machine (this is without polemic, just trying to understand the design logic of the search). A much easier way than software.o.o is to install opi ( the OBS Package Installer ).
Easier, easier... define easier :-) cer@Telcontar:~> opi handbrake Searching... 1. handbrake-cli 2. handbrake-gtk Choose a number(0 to quit): 0 cer@Telcontar:~> It does not say where it is; you have to try to install it to get that info: Choose a number(0 to quit): 1 You have selected package name: handbrake-cli 1. Packman Multimedia ? | 1.3.3 | x86_64 Choose a number(0 to quit): Doesn't write a link. It is not a search program proper. -- Cheers / Saludos, Carlos E. R. (from 15.2 x86_64 at Telcontar)