I'd the same problem & solved it. Your firefox installation folder has a folder named plugins. There you'll find a symlink of libjavaplugin_oji.so. This links to /usr/lib/SunJava***/jre/plugin/i386/ns610/libjavaplugin_oji.so. Remove this link, and create a new symlink to /usr/lib/SunJava***/jre/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/libjavaplugin_oji.so Hope it helps. On Wed, 02 Feb 2005 06:24:35 -0600, Joe Morris (NTM) <Joe_Morris@ntm.org> wrote:
B. Stia wrote:
Fired up Firefox and went to a website that said it needed a flash plug-in. OK , let it download it. Plugin downloads and Firefox dies. Try to restart Firefox - nothing - just tries to restart and then just dies and never opens. Restart X -nope ! Reboot - nope!
What is this ????? How can a plugin kill an app like Firefox ??? There are no 64 bit flash plugin. Are you running a 64 bit Firefox? Though it shouldn't cause what you see, if you are using a 64 bit Firefox, try uninstalling the 32 bit flash you installed and see if it fixes it. -- Joe Morris New Tribes Mission Email Address: Joe_Morris@ntm.org Registered Linux user 231871
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