On Thursday 31 August 2006 20:17, Mike McQueen wrote:
Well, I knew from earlier use of an apt-based distro that if you forced in a package by ignoring predefined deps that it basically made the package manager unusable until the unresovled dep issue was resovled. I was not aware of being able to set or reset ignored conflicts in YaST. If this could be done on a per package basis then that would present a different (though probably not recommended) way to maintain these type of packages.
The underlying package management database engine is rpm, so you can accomplish all the same things via CLI as you can with the various GUIs. Also, I think '--nodep' is a subset/variant of '--force' in that it only suppresses dependency checks. I don't think it suppresses *all* errors (as in outright conflicts.) I believe both set the 'ignore' flag, though, enabling you to continue operating the package manager as you set things right... assuming, of course, whatever you've been mucking around with hasn't destabilized or crashed the system ;-) I make a determined effort to keep my rpm database 'clean' by avoiding these 'games' whenever possible. I've used them before... but very, very sparingly... and not ended my session without bringing the system back to consistency (takes planning.) Carl