I'm using minicom for talking to a storage array over a serial line connected via null-modem. Every now and then the "conversation" gets screwed up, typically when I close minicom - on the next session, I only get gobbledegook from the array.
Baud rate mismatch, I'd guess. When you get gobbledegook, try changing the baudrate in minicom and press enter (or do something so that the login prompt or some text is printed).
I've tried sending breaks - so far nothing's worked. Does anyone have a tip on how to "reset" the serial line from minicom?
That seems to happen automatically when you connect/disconnect. Strange enough, when I close minicom, the login on /dev/console also disappears/logs out on a SUN w/Linux. So either "reset implied" or I seem to be using a cable with more control lines (a true modem cable). Jan Engelhardt --