Latest findings. Bring up the update window and endure the l o n g wait while the cache update refreshes. Click on the configure button and have -another- l o n g wait while the cache update refreshes. Why the update again when it was just updated? Every thing you click on requires -another- cache update which is quite annoying. Also resolving dependencies takes f o r e v e r. This is on a P3 1Ghz w/256M. I hope these are some of the fixes coming this week. Or does the system need to be potty trained requiring me to clean up it's messes? -- Ken Schneider UNIX since 1989, linux since 1994, SuSE since 1998 -- Check the headers for your unsubscription address For additional commands send e-mail to suse-linux-e-help@suse.com Also check the archives at http://lists.suse.com Please read the FAQs: suse-linux-e-faq@suse.com