15 Aug
15 Aug
Ready for one last shot at this Fred? Go to init 3 Run this command: nvidia-installer --opengl-headers -f -e -f is for force install and e is for expert install. To get more options run nvidia-installer -A for many more options. Not sure if anyone mentioned this yet... Oh, lastly in run level 3 run sax2 and enable 3D then you should be pretty much done. This worked for me. Matt On Fri, 2003-08-15 at 11:51, Fred A. Miller wrote:
'Still a "no go" here. 'Guess those of us with problems will have to wait for either SuSE or nVidia to fix it properly.
-- "...Linux, MS-DOS, and Windows XP (also known as the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly)."