30 Dec
30 Dec
Dereck, I seriously think one of your best options is www.shorewall.net - including the download, installing and reading the docs, it took me 17 minutes to get a workable and fairly secure firewall up and running. Jon => I've got an old P75 64MB box which has, until recently, been running => Smoothwall as a firewall. Since I got a rather unimpressive => ADSL ethernet => modem, which needs to be driven by a web browser, and which => remembers the MAC => address of the driving NIC, Smoothwall doesn't do the job => anymore. After much => effort I put SuSE-8.1 on the box. Slow, to put it mildly, => but it does the => job. It set up the SuSE firewall and set it to do NAT and it => works fine.