7 Jul
7 Jul
Hi, to whom it might be of interest: NetworkManager 1.24.2 (for example, from the OBS Gnome repos) disables wake- on-lan unless you configure the connection differently. nmcli con mod eth0 802-3-ethernet.wake-on-lan magic restores proper behaviour. Cheers MH -- Mathias Homann Mathias.Homann@openSUSE.org Jabber (XMPP): lemmy@tuxonline.tech IRC: [Lemmy] on freenode and ircnet (bouncer active) telegram: https://telegram.me/lemmy98 keybase: https://keybase.io/lemmy gpg key fingerprint: 8029 2240 F4DD 7776 E7D2 C042 6B8E 029E 13F2 C102