All the icons are displayed by nautilus, so if it doesn't run, there are none.
Try, in a terminal (xterm, gnome-terminal):
ps ax | grep -i nautilus
If it is running, kill it:
killall nautilus killall -9 nautilus
and finally, restart it:
nautilus &
and see if it writes an error message that gives a clue.
This is what I get: ======================================================================= linux-7rtc:~ # nautilus & [1] 7062 linux-7rtc:~ # Initializing nautilus-open-terminal extension Initializing nautilus-dice extension ** (nautilus:7062): WARNING **: Unable to add monitor: Operation not supported ======================================================================= (This last error message < Monitor ... operation not supported > it seems, is a known Nautilus bug....Google search showed as much). Also, if it is any help, at system boot-up (when I login as Normal User, the following Error Message is displayed: ============================================================================== < Type mismatch: Expected `string' got `int' for key /apps/nautilus/desktop/computer_icon_name > ============================================================================== But when I login as 'root' user, there is no such Error Message, and all the Desktop icons are displayed & Nautilus also works fine. Is there a way to copy the gnome configuration settings for the 'root' user to the 'normal' user. If yes, I think it would solve the problem.
Defaults... I'm unsure, but you could delete the configuration directories to force a recreation.
What/ where are the configuration directories (I can just copy them to another location as 'root' and put them back again if re-creation doesn't work). Also, is it possible to uninstall & then re-install gnome desktop? I see many gnome apps in 'Software Management', but no option to remove gnome itself ? Thanks, Jay == -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: