Chris Denneen wrote:
Mount /media/dvd cp -rap /media/dvd /export/nfs/suse-dvd Modify /etc/exports
That should get you exported NFS media but how would you now YAST update it to the Latest and greatest??
or your saying install via NFS then once installed YasT update the machine? Kinda would suck of that was the case and you were installing 20+ servers... wouldn't ya say? ;-)
Hopefully there is a way to update the NFS export or something?
You can export the DVD from one system to as many as you want. In fact, if you were rolling out a large number of systems, that is precicely what you'd do and Yast will automatically point to that server. On your system, after you export the DVD, go into Yast > Software > Change Sourse of Installation. In there, you can add a source. You'd specify NFS, include the server and share name, and it should be OK.