18.06.2017 19:46, Carlos E. R. пишет:
On 2017-06-18 16:46, Michael Hirmke wrote:
Hi Carlos,
I read that, but in fact I really wouldn't be amused, if I would have to download and compile the Nvidia packages myself. I hope, that there will be any repo to automatically do that job on an upgrade.
Typically that happens some time after official release.
uhm, in this case, Nvidia seems to have shut down their repo site at all. People wrote, one can't access them with a browser, but with yast or zypper, but here zypper/yast also run into a timeout when trying to refresh the repo. And this is the case for 42.2, not only for 42.3.
I just added nVidia repo for testing and it worked just fine on 42.2. So I have no idea what all this fuss is about. nVidia repo was never provided until final release, and it was true for all past versions, so I do not understand why people suddenly expect it for 42.3 either.