On Wed December 24 2003 05:45 am, John Andersen wrote:
On Tuesday 23 December 2003 05:51, Bruce Marshall wrote:
I prefer to look for:
X-Spam-Flag: YES
in the filter. But I think you'd do better to run procmail and do your filtering there.
I have procmail throw everything with a 'hit level' greater than 10 into / dev/null.
Everything 4 or higher goes into a special folder. (to be checked for false hits)
Everything 4 and below are treated as normal mail.
Cool, can you post your procmailrc ?
Here are the pertinent parts: (using spamc and spamd to get better performance) The 'cntspam' is a small program I wrote to count the number of spams sent to /dev/null. It can be deleted. The procmailrc setup below sends emails with a 'hit count' of 10 or above to / dev/null. 4 or above go into the folder: /var/spool/mail/highspam
#get rid of spammers
:0fw | spamc :0e { EXITCODE=$? } :0 * ^X-Spam-Status:.*hits=[1-9][0-9] { :0 c | /usr/local/bin/cntspam :0 /dev/null } :0:hispam.lock * ^X-Spam-Status:.*hits=[4-9][\ \.] /var/spool/mail/highspam # At this point, go on and distribute the mail to other folders as normal. -- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + Bruce S. Marshall bmarsh@bmarsh.com Bellaire, MI 12/24/03 09:58 + +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ "Time is just nature's way of preventing everything from happening at once."