Stan Goodman wrote:
Kid stuff. For real insight into rudeness and provinciality, try telling them that you are running OS/2. The point is that Bill Gates's terrorism (like most terrorist campaigns) has paid off big-time, and the whole industry, being interested in maximizing efficiency and the bottom line, has become one immense Windows shop. Examples:
1) When I call my ISP's support line, the first question is: "Which Windows do you have".
Suggested answers: 1-IBM's (if OS/2 is running) 2-KDE, Gnome, Icewm, etc (whichever is running) 3-big ones, little ones, which kind are you interested in The idea is to elicit the missing prefix "Microsoft", after which one not running felonware responds "We don't run no stinkin proprietary operating systems made by convicted felon monopolists here. We support only open source, which anyone and everyone has access to without regard to income or wealth level."
2) When I had the telephone company install ADSL, and the question defined in (1) above was asked, I answered that I don't have Windows, which caused the rep to give me the kind of look usually reserved for 6-year-old idiots, and to say "every computer has Windows".
You obviously answered the question wrong to cause such a response, since since all personal puters manufactured in the past 12 years or so do have windows. ;-)
It isn't an anti-Linux attitude.
Asus does have an anti-Linux attitude:
It is simply recognition of a statistical fact.
If's Bugzilla is any guide, Israel is the most M$-biased country in the world: -- "If you love your children, you will be prompt to discipline them." Proverbs 13:24 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 Felix Miata ***