Am Sonntag, 11. September 2005 14:17 schrieb houghi:
On Sun, Sep 11, 2005 at 10:45:05AM +0200, Marcel Volz wrote:
OK. If RedHat would be in any way related, don't you think they would love to have their name mentioned somewhere? It is "derived from".
It is NOT related _with_ RedHat.
They are related in that form, that CentOS is built from publically available open source SRPMS provided by RedHat. There is no official relationship. Anyway we should better concentrate on openSUSE now.
If you want to make an OS dericved from a prominent North American Enterprices (Novell in this case) please go ahead, but don't hold your breath for support from them.
I don't want to make a derived distribtution, but maybe it's interesting for Novell to add some functionality/ packages. Let SLES form the core and the community could add some functionality. Just like it is now for SUSE Linux.
if I recall correctly, RedHat even has forbidden them by trial to use the name RedHat. That is, in my eyes, very telling how that relation is going.
I think you're better informed about CentOS than i am. :-) My orginal itention was to hear if there is somebody else, who want a openSUSE Version which aims at being used as server. Are you intersestd in a server version? Maybe, as Pascal Bleser already written, a projekt like SUPER is the way to go? (Ideas are welcome!) -- Marcel Volz