On Mon, 2006-10-02 at 14:27 +1100, Dave Barton wrote:
Yes that was my thought too. Do you think if I removed all the Yast rpms and reinstalled the originals from the DVD, it would resolve the issue without breaking my whole system?
If that is indeed the problem, then yes, that should solve it You could also have a look at the update directory on the ftp server, and see if all are up to date. Getting all up to the latest version should also work, if the problem is a version mismatch If it doesn't work, I would suggest getting an strace of yast, to see what happens just before it crashes. This can point the way to where the problem lies
I am loathed to completely dump my system and reinstall, because it has taken me a long time to get 10.1 working the way I want it.
I can imagine, but a complete reinstall is rarely necessary - although fixing a system without one can sometimes take a bit of time, there will almost always be a way of doing it