jdd wrote:
Robert Schiele wrote:
They _do_ need refreshes because factory is constantly changing.
I think we speak of two different things. You give a very complete info, sure important for some people.
I speak of much simpler thing, easier to browse: is a given package on the CD? and if yesy, on wich cd? the goal, is, for example, not to fire Yast only to see there is no package or to install with rpm directly.
Never used "pin" ? Try this on a shell: pin pin
two different ways, more complementary than opposite. ma initial question was mainly a technical question: more than 3000 lines on only one wiki page is much.
Yes, that's useless, way too large.
May be I can part it by cd number (and strip off the first part of the line) probably better
I don't think so. You have to check 5 different pages to see whether a package is included or not, that's even worse than not having that page at all IMO. I guess we need some kind of database with some custom PHP to query and browse. That's a) something custom that has to be developed (but it's not very complex) b) something that has to be accepted by Novell's opensuse.org admin staff as it could potentially be abused by bots to generate a lot of load on the opensuse.org server (maybe add a CAPTCHA or something like that) IMO: forget it, not worth the hassle, and we already have http://hitme.resetbutton.de/pin/ cheers -- -o) Pascal Bleser http://linux01.gwdg.de/~pbleser/ /\\ <pascal.bleser@skynet.be> <guru@unixtech.be> _\_v FOSDEM 2006 -- 25+26 February 2006 in Brussels