Hello Linux folkz, Could somebody please recommend me a good laptop brand/model with PIII/P4 or better AMD processor which is working with Linux for sure. I need to use it as my traveling development workstation. I already tried five laptops without any success.
I have a Dell Inspiron 5000e and it works very nicely with Linux. Everything auto-detects except the Winmodem. That said, the 5000e was discontinued, but I think you will find similar success with other Dell models. Also, when I was shopping for laptops, I found that Dell Inspirons were by far the best value at any level of performance. Finally, let me mention a positive experience with Dell. Dell found out a while back that 1 battery from the 5000e series had started a fire, and that potentially 400,000 batteries could have a flaw that would do the same thing. So, they recalled them, and I received two new batteries (I had two) within about 10 days. That isn't so spectacular, but the next part is. Dell decided to "pay" customers for the inconvience by giving every 5000e owner with a defective battery an additional replacement battery in about 10 weeks (so in my case, I had two, so I will end up with four). I thought that was a nice way of making up for the trouble of the recall. -Tim -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Timothy R. Butler Universal Networks tbutler@uninetsolutions.com ICQ #12495932 AIM: Uninettm Free/Open Source Web Tools: http://www.uninetsolutions.com Christian Portal and Search Tool: http://www.faithtree.com ============== "Christian Web Services Since 1996" ==============