On Sunday, September 04, 2005 @ 1:36 AM, Jos van Kan wrote:
Greg Wallace wrote:
when I run grub and say -
find /boot/grub/stage1
it says -
Error 15: File not found
Ooops! I guess I've got it really screwed up now!
Looks more like a bug in grub. I have the same, but ls /boot/grub shows that stage1 is still alive and kicking. And my system is booting fine.
-- Jos van Kan www.josvankan.tk
Yep. It was a grub problem. I had hosed the file /boot/grub/device.map. Now I can boot from the hard drive but when I do, eth0 still doesn't start and I have no keyboard or mouse usage. If I boot from the Linux DVD, I do have those devices but still no network. I'm thinking about going back to 9.0 and doing another conversion. While I'm back down there, I'm going to copy off my entire /boot/grub directory for referral later. Maybe I'll look around and see if there is anything else I might need to refer to when I get back to 9.1. If I get back to 9.1 and grub is working but still no network, I'll just install 9.2 over 9.1. When I was at 9.2 earlier, the network cleared itself up but I had grub and Apache problems. I think I know how to fix Apache when I get there and maybe I now will be able to get grub fixed. If so, I should have a working 9.2 at that point and be ready to go to 9.3. That's the game plan anyway. Thanks for the input, Greg Wallace