Hi List, I have belatedly made the change from lilo to grub carefully converting my lilo config to grub'ese. It seems to work as expected. However, I have a couple of questions which I cannot track down in any off-line source (man, info, howto's etc.) and I am not able to trawl google or list archive with a time-limited unmetered dial-up connection at present. 1. In lilo I always used the boot-floppy option so as not to upset WinME. How do I do something similar in grub? 2. When the bootloader menu appeared in lilo I could interactively overide the default runlevel (ie: boot to runlevel 3 not 5) when necessary. How is this achieved in the grub menu? I will accept a URL to the appropriate list archive entry or web page. Apologies if this has been dealt with before. -- ** Message sent via KDE KMail v1.7.2 on SuSE Linux v8.2 ** Please reply in the format that this message is sent. ** Thanks.