install this update and your problems will disappear 86
Been there, done that and no they don't. the Software Updater sits there (over 1 hour now) "getting update list" - see attached. If you press Configure button, Services is "Loading Services", Catalogs is "Loading Catalogs", Preferences is "Loading Preferences". The update didn't make it work any better (just the refreshing, etc., didn't retry to install anything) for me either [but thanks for the
ianseeks wrote: pointer there was an x86_64 version available, could have sworn I checked the other day and there was only i386]. It eats so much CPU (I have an AMD64 3200 w/ 2GB ram) that it heats up the cpu pretty good. Taking around half an hour to refresh at 100% cpu when I try to change an installation source, or when I log in, just isn't worth it for me. I would rather the updater only check for security updates if it takes it that long that often to refresh. I did add a few sources, but that is just not acceptable. Uninstalling zen-updater, zmd, rug allows me to get more work done without cooking my CPU (for example, ksensors says it is now 36 degrees. When zmd is cooking the cpu, I have seen it at 66 degrees. -- Joe Morris Registered Linux user 231871