On po 5. března 2007 Hans van der Merwe wrote:
You wrote 'my suse login'. Is it the login you had on that suse before the machine has been added into the AD?
Yes (thinking about it, I should prob login as DOMAIN\user, but then I have to recreate my home dir?)
If 'ls -l' shows once Domain\user and in other case 'user', it definitly seems strange :(
No, it always shows the appropriate user - Win created files = DOMAIN \user - SUSE create files = user
does 'ls -n' gives you same UID?
No, 1000 for user and 10003 for DOMAIN\user
All I did was go into Yast -> Windows Domain Membership -> fill in details.
I see. So it should be quite simple ;-) you should really login as DOMAIN\user: - from console DOMAIN\\user. - from kdm/gdm it should let you select the domain, od use 'DOMAIN\user' if it doens't give you the oportunity to select domain (combobox,etc) Then you will have UID 10003. You'll have to recreate your home and copy files, etc. But try the login first, lets see whether it's all or whether there is some other problem... -- Lukas Lipavsky, QA Developer Key fingerprint = 5BEB 6AF2 9653 638E EC0E 7E73 9A11 2BC5 FF55 774A --------------------------------------------------- SUSE LINUX, s.r.o. e-mail: llipavsky@suse.cz Lihovarska 1060/12 tel: +420 284 028 969 190 00 Prague 9 Czech Republic ---------------------------------------------------