Hi all, Because I was too lazy, I just found the Star Office 6.0 rpms on my new suse office pro disk and installed them, quite painlessly, with rpm -Fvh on my SuSE 7.3 machine. The install includes Adabas D, (only the packaging seems to call it star base, and there doesn't seem to be anywhere in SO's main menus to call it from) in its own separate directory under /opt. Call me a dumb monkey, but I can't figure out how to install it. The install notes imply rather than state that you should run the script 'setup', but for me this segfaults whether run as root or user. I tried poking into the binary directory and found x_install, which ran with apparent success, and I set the various environment variables called for by the install notes. But now I can't figure out for the life of me what binary to call. Am I particularly blind, or is not really supposed to run on 7.3? The rest of so6 appears to run fine. I am about to upgrade this machine to 8.0, but I have a lot of current work to get through before that's a good idea. Someone strike me heavily with the clue stick, please. Best Fergus