5 Dec
5 Dec
Message-Id: <3A2CFD9E.000001.85165@eniac.g12.br.eniac> Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2000 12:37:18 -0200 (Hor. de verão leste da Am. Sul) From: "Felipe Vilarinho" <felipe@eniac.g12.br> Subject: FTP Security <p>Hi everyone, My doubt must be stupid but let's go. (if my question is Off-Topic, just kick it out of here). I have many domains hosted on my server, i wanna know how configure FTP for the users only will be access the directory of each domain. I'm using Linux SuSE 7.0 - Kernel 2.2.16 If someone could be helpme i will apreciate. Thanks. Felipe