Hi Thanks for the reply. I wanted to use one unique command to keep in the new file only the Message-ID, the Subject, the From, and the "Body". For the time being I run those two commands sequentially. Actually it's not a blocking problem. The fast is that I want to import those files in mysql, and, for what I now, I need to have a file like this: field1:field2;field3;filed4 I can do this for the first three fields but the forth one is like this: <body> <p> xghdgdfgfgdff </p> <p> xgdsfssdfsdf fsdfsfsdfhdgdfgfgdff </p> </body> What I would need is to have everything on one row, i.e removing the carrigare return. Is there a way to do it? Regarsa Gaël "Theo v. Werkhoven" <twe-suse.e@ferrets4me.xs4all.nl> wrote on 18/02/2005 00.12.27:
Thu, 17 Feb 2005, by g.lams@itcilo.org:
Using "awk '$1~/Message-ID/ || $1~/Subject/ || $1~/From/ || $1~/Newsgroups/ ' 4060bb67.txt > txt1.awk". I'm able to take the first fields and using "awk ' /<body>/,/<\/body>/ ' 4060bb67.txt > text2.awk" the text in html but when I try one unique command it just doesn't work.
What does that mean: "one unique command", and please define "doesn't work"
Theo --