Not since 6.2 have I needed to hack the normal distro kernel...until now. Prior experience was very smooth, and I followed the suggestions in the 9.3 manual to a T this time. Lots of things have changed over the time since 6.2, and I admit I haven't been keeping abreast of all the changes. So I am taking a chance prior to posting tons of messages on the chance someone has run into this already. I used "oldmenuconfig" to set up the compile, and everything seems fine for the most part. I did make the kernel pre-emptive and "athlon" to improve sound systems. During compile, only a hand-full of "un-initialized variable name" warnings, and no errors in modules-install or kernel installation. 1) Parallels (virtual machine) fails, but that's understandable. It was installed from tar-ball, and probably needs re-compiling with the new kernel. (Other compiled progs, however, seem to work Cinelerra as a huge example, or xine with dvd hack plays fine). 2) IPTABLES fails to load on boot, with tons of msgs of needing kernel upgrade. 3) USB stick, camera card, mp3 players fail on USB. Hotplug seems to work, creates "media/usbdrive", but the files are not readable... SYSFS seems to have correct entries and mount information...but nada to be read from the device. Folders in /media are removed properly on removal of the device from the hub. Printer and mouse on usb port work fine. PCI network card and modem(0) dial-up both work fine even with the missing iptables. (Is that just a firewall function?) I am dual-booting with GRUB the original 9.3 or the kernel. Original 9.3 still functions completely and flawlessly. All hints greatly appreciated! Tom in New Mexico, USA.