On Tuesday 10 December 2002 4:54 pm, Paul M wrote:
Thought this might be of interest
This may sound as if I'm a bit of a "devil's advocate", but in the "being honest" category, over the 4 years I've been running win98 on this system, the actual number of CRASHES is less than 200 -- however -- not much less :) The problem with a "per average" over that length of time is that the week or two when I ran Premiere [video editing] and I got an actual CRASH once or twice a day is wiped out by the majority of the time where I just deal with e-mail and some light VB coding. Likewise, the seeming "gazillion" times I've needed to "restart" during the (re)install process aren't enough to counterbalance the fact I've only "re"-installed [on average] once a year Mind you, flat out total "crashes" under linux have been extremely rare [and then, generally caused by flakey hardware, which I don't count because that isn't really a failing of the OS itself] <wait, I take that back: I'm also running into the ATI 3D driver hang problem mentioned in another thread, but then, I haven't tried any serious "3d" stuff since the first lockup -- I suppose I should get the system "locked" then run over to another computer and see if I can get an ssh session running to "clear up" the hang...> as far as "restarts due to reconfigs", this is preaching to the choir, but that has been limited to things like kernel diddling & grub/lilo "experimentation". One category not included in his survey is "restarts due to OS switching" [i.e., "dual boot" systems]