Hi! We have a Samba domain controller in very old RedHat. How should I move it to a new SuSE 9.2? I need to move the PDC functionality, the users and the files. There are not that many users, so they could all set their passwords again if it's not possible to move them. First thing, how do I import the users to SuSE 9.2? The RH system doesn't use shadow (if that helps). I need to import them to both linux (the normal /etc/passwd) as well as samba... there isn't any import system? Next, what to I need to do to move the computers (windows clients)? Just import them as normal users? To both linux main users as well as samba users? How about synchronization of the passwords from samba (windows client) to unix? Windows users must change their passwords from windows. Then the switch... should I first switch off the old server (at least the samba) and after that configure the new server as PDC to the same domain and start that up. I'm expecting to do as much as possible through the Yast GUI, but as with many other things... I think it's not enough and I need to go to the conf-files. What kind of problems should I expect? -- Hugo.