18 Sep
18 Sep
I've downloaded JMF from the Sun site - version 2.1.1e - but I'm having trouble getting it to run. I've set up my classpath to point to the jar file: CLASSPATH=/home/musashi/jv/JMF-2.1.1e/lib/jmf.jar and also set: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/musashi/jv/JMF-2.1.1e/lib when Iuse Konqueror to run the JMF Diagnostics Applet found at: http://java.sun.com/products/java-media/jmf/2.1.1/jmfdiagnostics.html it says: JMF Diagnostics: Java 1.1 compliant browser.....Maybe JMF classes.....Not Found Has anyone succeeded in stalling JMF under SuSE 8.2??? What have I missed? -r- -- R o b T o w robtow@tauzero.com www.tauzero.com/Rob_Tow (408)-829-7407 * *ronin in the glade *swift katas slice the still air *...his own opponent