On Fri, 2021-04-23 at 13:00 +0200, Carlos E. R. wrote:
On 23/04/2021 09.04, Carl Spitzer {L Juno} wrote:
Oops accidently sent in html and made message too large.
And when you say so, you sent it again. And then twice, because:
SuSE-E <opensuse@opensuse.org> SuSE-E <users@lists.opensuse.org>
are the same mail list.
Still, I have no idea what the question is and what the text below is.
Sometimes I post to the older one and the message does not show up. So this time I tested both addresses to be sure they worked. Basically on another machine now crashed this hp1109w printer worked with leap 15.2. Yesterday it did not. Not sure why adding printers after the fact is easy but this time not. what I posted is troubleshoot.txt from the system when the printing failed. I need help reading it and solving the problem. -- Carl Spitzer {L Juno} <lynux@juno.com> www.OCLUG.org Laptop ____________________________________________________________ Sponsored by https://www.newser.com/?utm_source=part&utm_medium=uol&utm_campaign=rss_tagl... Caitlyn Jenner Throws Her Political Hat Into the Ring http://thirdpartyoffers.juno.com/TGL3131/6082e89aabce2689a1998st04duc1 Capitol Suspect Arrested After Boasting on Dating App http://thirdpartyoffers.juno.com/TGL3131/6082e89acf3e5689a1998st04duc2 Only One Senator Voted No on Anti-Asian Hate Crime Bill http://thirdpartyoffers.juno.com/TGL3131/6082e89af2893689a1998st04duc3