Actually, Exchange web interface is rather problematic. It bring lots of security holes. Therefore not widely accepted and used. It's one of the best types of holes in a system an intruder would love. Oyku Gencay. ----- Original Message ----- From: Lennart Börjeson <LennartB@cinnober.com> To: <suse-linux-e@suse.com> Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 3:20 AM Subject: SV: [SLE] suse 7.2!!
The success of Windows rests on three pillars:
1) The acceptance of Windows as a game console.
This is what most home PCs are used for. The typical Windows user wants out-of-the-box games compatibility. Just insert the CD!
2) The adoption of Word as a format for the exchange of documents.
How many times have you not received a Word document in mail or via a web page? And with consistent regularity, it will have been made with a Word version later than the one you have, which forces you to upgrade. And the latest version of Word/Excel/etc is only available on the Windows platform... (This is, BTW, what killed NT on the RISC platforms (Mips, PowerPC, Alpha). There was ONLY Windows available, no office applications, which forced every user who needed the extra muscle offered by RISC to have two workstations at his/her desk.)
3) The adoption of Exchange in the business community.
This immediately forces all clients to use Outlook, which is only available on Windows. Yes, you can use POP3/IMAP/SMTP, but you'll miss out on all the "extra" group-ware utilities bundled with Exchange.
(I've heard a rumour that the Web-interface of Exchange2000 can do everything Outlook can, but I'll bet that only applies to users of IE5+ on Windows...)
Linux needs to counter Windows on all three fronts by offering 99.9% Windows compatibility + superior features, otherwise the common non-techie person won't stand the hassle of converting.
-----Ursprungligt meddelande----- Från: yamaska.mail [mailto:yamaska.mail@planet.nl] Skickat: den 31 maj 2001 18:27 Till: j.e.drews@worldnet.att.net Kopia: suse-linux-e@suse.com Ämne: Re: [SLE] suse 7.2!!
Worse yet, you don't even get Visual Basic, they make you buy this as well !!!
Greetz Pete (A newbie)
----- Original Message ----- From: "Jonathan Drews" <j.e.drews@worldnet.att.net> To: "Ben Rosenberg" <ben@whack.org> Cc: <suse-linux-e@suse.com> Sent: Thursday, 31 May, 2001 7:56 AM Subject: Re: [SLE] suse 7.2!!
On Wednesday 30 May 2001 22:51, Ben wrote:
I would rather pay $50 every 6 months then $300 (W2K Feb 2000) then have to spend another $150-200 for XP 18 months later..and when Linux improves..it impoves..it's not just cosmetic most of the time. This is just my opinion.
I would rather pay $300.00 for 3 Linux Distros than be given Microsoft Windows for free.
How the hell M$ sold so much software is a mystery to me. It's really pathetic stuff. The detractors of Linux say it comes with no applications. Are these people brain dead? All Linux distros come with C, C++, Python and Perl. All you get with M$ is Visual Basic. I'd rather use my K+E Log-Log Duplex Decitrig slide rule that that stuff.
-- Cheers,
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