it looks like nautilus is a Gnome file manager. I even tried to use kpackage to uninstall it and the system is still a problem. the only fix I can think of is reinstall and go for the details to prevent nautilus from comming up. It seems when I checked Install All GNOME I got all the nonsence. CWSIV On Fri, 25 Jul 2003 14:11:29 +0200 (CEST) "Carlos E. R." <> writes:
The 03.07.24 at 19:22, Carl William Spitzer IV wrote:
Third and possibily related fatal nautilus crashes followed by a seemingly limitless supply of warning windows. which close best with killall nautilus.
My nautilus produced the other day something like 200 megabytes of error logs, filling the home partition. It took me sometime to find where all that space had gone to: .xsession-errors. And as the partition had filled up, it started to fill up another log: 6000 lines like this in /var/log/messages:
Jul 23 00:37:39 nimrodel gconfd (cer-3155): Failed: Failed to write XML data to `/home/cer/.gconf/desktop/gnome/accessibility/keyboard/%gconf.xml.tmp': No space left on device
Jul 23 00:37:39 nimrodel gconfd (cer-3155): Failed to sync one or more sources: Failed: Failed to sync XML cache contents to disk
That's nice programming, I would think: if there is no space, fill up more space in the log :-((
I don't I'll ever use nautilus or galeon again.
-- Cheers, Carlos Robinson
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