On Wed December 24 2003 12:39 pm, Jeffrey L. Taylor wrote:
Quoting Steve Crane <sjc@cidev.com>: [snip]
When this thread came up I read it with interest, hoping that I could make use of the info given here. However I was quickly dissapointed when I discovered that I do not have sa-learn. Is it a standard feature of SpamAssassin or soemthing one must add? Perhaps it was added in a later version of SpamAssassin, I have version 2.31.
sa-learn and Bayesian filtering were added around 2.54. SA is up to at least 2.60.
HTH, Jeffrey
SA is up to 2.70. To get the latest SA (should be/is) easy: I do the following: 1) Make a directory for the new version in /usr/local 2) CD to the new directory. 3) Run the small script below. (when it asks for a password, hit ENTER) 4) run: make 5) If no errors, run: make install Changes to scores and other settings can be made in /etc/mail/spamassassin/ local.cf #!/bin/bash cd /usr/local cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.spamassassin.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/ spamassassin login cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.spamassassin.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/ spamassassin co spamassassin cd /usr/local/spamassassin -- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + Bruce S. Marshall bmarsh@bmarsh.com Bellaire, MI 12/24/03 12:43 + +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ "Who's General Failure & why's he reading my disk?"