Patience... at some point it took too long to install the fonts cause fontconfig was generating some stuff ... It takes a lot of time but the fonts are installed at the end... On Monday 31 May 2004 18:43, Scott Nemmers wrote:
Bruce Marshall wrote:
On Monday 31 May 2004 10:21 am, Steve Reynolds wrote:
Anybody else having problems installing this font package with YOU? Anybody got a fix?
Count me in with the problem. Even tried to run fetchmsttfonts manually. It hangs on about the 4th font it downloads.
I had the same problem initially for the first three YOU update attempts (completely hung the system -- IBM T23 laptop -- the first two times). I applied the brute force and ignorance method: I tried three different ftp/http locations and the MS font package finally downloaded and installed through YaST. No other configurations were changed between attempts ... only hard and soft reboots.
Probably not much help, other than to say this issue might be somewhat random.
- Scott _______________________________________ Scott Nemmers E-mail: nemmerss -> penmaster_com _______________________________________