lgeers@pandora.be wrote:
I have one problem with Kpilot on the deskop PC: it doesn't find the palm on USB. I tried to find my Palm with the utility to monitor the USB devices and thats OK: the Palm handheld is connected with 'UHCI Host Controler (1)'... but Kpilot don't find it...
I've had a similar problem, just recently covered here on-list. So far, my KPilot still doesn't work, but I've been able to prove that it's KPilot, not SuSE or my hardware. What worked for me was plugging in my Palm, hitting 'hotsync' on the PDA, and then running dmesg, which told me which port the Palm was showing up on (oddly, in my case, it shows up on *two* ports, only one of which ends up working). Mine came up as ttyUSB1, yours might be different. It does take a few seconds -- I found that if I hit dmesg too soon, only the driver activations were shown, and not the port connection. Once I had that, I tried what Jerry Feldman suggested here on-list, and used 'dlpsh -p /dev/ttyUSB1', then hit the Palm's synch button, and voila! Everything worked. dplsh seems like a great quick-troubleshooting tool, and it came with my 9.1Pro by default. If this as root but not as a regular user, you might have some permission problems. If dplsh works, there's a command-line alternative to kpilot that you might install and try, pilot-link: http://www.die.net/doc/linux/man/man7/pilot-link.7.html