Hi, Seeing the recent thread on KBear's unfortunate effect on the system tray, which I, too, witness, and having just been in the market for a suitable FTP GUI, I figured I'd ask here for recommendations. I found gFTP and it's acceptable, though a bit flaky (I found an RPM for version 2.0.16 though the gFTP Web site indicates version 2.0.18 is available in a release candidate form). When I searched for gFTP RPMs at <http://rpm.pbone.net/>, I was surprised to get hits not only for gFTP itself, but also for something called "ROX Filer." So I figured maybe this ROX thing incorporates gFTP. I installed it (ROX), but there's no sign of FTP support in its GUI or in its documentation. It's an odd, and possibly interesting, piece of software in its own right, but not immediately useful to me. So... What FTP GUIs do any of you recommend? Thanks. Randall Schulz