On 3/26/21 4:01 PM, Jim Sabatke wrote:
I’m tearing my hair out trying to use Libre Office Writer on an HP laptop. I touch type and constantly have unintended mistyped content because it’s impossible to not hit the touchpad with my hands. I need the cursor movement functionality available, so going into setup every time I want to activate or deactivate it is not practical? I’ve searched a fair amount fir a solution but haven’t found one. Is there any way to have a function key, or sone kind of hot key to accomplish thus?
Thus spake iPad.
I use a simple bash script aliased to 'ttp' (toggle touch pad): #!/bin/bash declare -i ID ID=`xinput list | grep -Eio '(touchpad|glidepoint)\s*id\=[0-9]{1,2}' | grep -Eo '[0-9]{1,2}'` declare -i STATE STATE=`xinput list-props $ID|grep 'Device Enabled'|awk '{print $4}'` if [ $STATE -eq 1 ] then xinput disable $ID else xinput enable $ID fi Should work just fine. -- David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.