5 Jul
5 Jul
Chuck Carson <chuck.carson@gmail.com> writes:
On 04 Jul 2005 14:40:29 -0400, Mark Gray <markgray-temp-1117739497@iago.nac.net> wrote:
Chuck Carson <chuck.carson@gmail.com> writes:
I am using wterm in WindowMaker on SuSE 9.3. I disable the visible bell but can't seem to find a way to disable the audio bell, which is annoying as hell in vi.
Anyone know a trick to disabling this?
:set vb t_vb=
Where do I set this? I tried setting in from the command line but I still get the audio bell.
You were complaining about the bell in vi -- the answer was only for vi command mode. Placing: set vb t_vb= in your ~/.vimrc would disable both visual and audio bells for vim only. (I don't know a solution for all other applications.)