On 2014-01-07 07:48, David C. Rankin wrote:
Maybe I'll play with it when I get a chance and see what the memory requirements are for each. isc bind/dhcpd configuration has gotten so dead-bang easy on new server installs for my little network, it really is just a 'dance with the one than brought you case'.
I have bind running on this 12.3 setup. I have had it for ages. But I know I have errors on it, which I'm too lazy to correct. Each time I add a machine I have to edit two files (direct and reverse). Be careful with the timestamps. And then I see little inconsistencies which I try to correct, and there is always some little new mistake. I have a virtual machine where I installed bind afresh, using the YaST module. But something went wrong and it doesn't work at all. The instructions on the openSUSE book, plus the YaST module online help are not clear enough. They assume you really know about zones and DNS and what each particular type of entry is for. And I don't, not really. So it is a pending task. And here comes DNSmasq. It is so easy! Just write an /etc/host file and off you go. No more zones, no direct, no reverse, no mismatches. No MX registers. No pointers. Nothing to do to it. So... is the effort to insist on using bind worth it? -- Cheers / Saludos, Carlos E. R. (from 12.3 x86_64 "Dartmouth" at Telcontar)