On Dec 10, 2002, Rohit wrote:
I have been unable to finally decide amongst two things. What I know for sure is that -
1. With SL 8.1, the package Java does not work. [I have heard it said that there is a problem with the way Java was written - that it can not take what gcc-3.2 demands of it.]
True that Sun will not compile Java with gcc-3.2. Not yet at least. But it works fine. It's only Java together with Mozilla that does not work since Java is compiled with gcc-2.95 and Mozilla compiled by SuSE that is gcc-3.2.
2. On the other hand I have also heard that gcc-3.2 compiled binaries have trouble linking with gcc-2.95.2 made libraries?
Yes, there is a binary incompatibility.
Which one[s] of these are true? Should I or should I not compile my code with gcc-3.2, since existing binaries are with gcc-2.95.2 all over the place? Is the Java issue related to this mismatch in any way?
What do you want to compile? -- Mads Martin Jørgensen, http://mmj.dk "Why make things difficult, when it is possible to make them cryptic and totally illogic, with just a little bit more effort?" -- A. P. J.